As we trace Peter's journey from failure to forgiveness to recommissioning, we discover the heart of the Jesus Creed and the hope of New Creation - no matter how far we have fallen, Jesus' love is always there to welcome us back and empower us to love as he loves. This gospel message challenges us to let the creed reshape every part of our lives, to live as New Creation people in a world that desperately needs the hope we have in Christ.
Join us as we gather around the table with Jesus and his disciples. Through the lens of the Jesus Creed, Pastor Nick will lead us in a profound exploration of God's scandalous grace and the radical welcome we find in Christ. As we confront the surprising makeup of Jesus' table fellowship, we'll discover how his love remixes our notions of worthiness and transforms our understanding of belonging.
Join us for this Palm Sunday message as we venture beyond the triumphal entry to explore the way of the cross. Through a fresh look at Philippians 2:4-11 and the Jesus Creed, we'll discover how Christ's example radically redefines love and challenges us to walk in the way of humility, self-giving, and sacrificial service. Come ready to be inspired and empowered to live out the transforming love of the gospel in your daily life and relationships.
In this eye-opening message, Pastor Nick invites us to reconsider our understanding of conversion through the lens of Peter's story and the Jesus Creed. He challenges the common notion that conversion is a one-time event, proposing instead that it is a lifelong process of being reoriented around the self-giving love of Jesus.
In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, we see a father whose love knows no bounds, welcoming home both his rebellious younger son and his resentful older son with open arms. This extravagant, unconditional love is the very heart of God, and the model for our mission as the church. Join us as we explore what it means to embody the Father's prodigal heart and become a community defined by radical grace.
What if prayer was less about getting from God and more about partnering with His Kingdom purposes?
Join us as we discover how this famous prayer balances love for God and neighbor equally, acting as an anchor for life's struggles and joys. Be challenged to realign your habits, perspectives, and even our church culture around Jesus himself embedded within the Lord's Prayer.
Jesus' creed of sacred love for God and others stands as the core ethic of authentic faith. This call to pour ourselves out compels us to break barriers and bind wounds.
We must become conduits of boundary-breaking love and compassion; as ambassadors reconciling all people to God through and in Christ.
What matters most in Jesus’ teachings?
Hear his radical answer to a question on the greatest commandment: love God fully and love neighbors selflessly. In this first sermon on the Jesus Creed, we see how Jesus expanded on the Jewish Shema to make sacred love the definitive creed and cornerstone of spiritual life. Join us as we seek to realign ourselves