This Christmas, will we join the cosmic mission of hope? Just as the Father sent the Son to dwell among us in love, now Jesus sends us filled with His Spirit to spread compassion. Join us this Sunday as we catch vision to bless our communities through small, ordinary acts of service and kindness that whisper of Emmanuel. Be part of His advent that continues today!
As angelic host herald Christmas tidings of comfort and joy over outcast shepherds, an infant’s cry crescendos the age-old Promise. From Zechariah’s tongue-tied wonder to Mary’s praise, barren wombs swell with joy obliterating shame. The babe leaping in Elizabeth’s aged belly foreshadows Joy himself vaulting earthward to us.
We behold Him unveiled in weakness wearing the smile of a child. This stumbling Advent of radiance and redemption is good news....of great joy for all people.
This Christmas, will we make room for the unexpected ways the marginalized infant King wants to welcome the foreigner, bind up the oppressed, and reconcile long-broken relationships?
Sent for the Waiting: Discover biblical hope while learning to embrace seasons of tension and longing for God's deliverance.