
The Invitation of New Creation | 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

In this Easter message, we explore the profound connection between Jesus' resurrection, New Creation, and the Jesus Creed through the lens of Peter's restoration in John 21. We see how Jesus' encounter with Peter on the beach demonstrates the transformative power of the resurrection to heal our shame, redefine our identity and purpose, and invite us into the mission of God's kingdom.

As we trace Peter's journey from failure to forgiveness to recommissioning, we discover the heart of the Jesus Creed and the hope of New Creation - no matter how far we have fallen, Jesus' love is always there to welcome us back and empower us to love as he loves. This gospel message challenges us to let the creed reshape every part of our lives, to live as New Creation people in a world that desperately needs the hope we have in Christ.


